In appreciation to Mrs Goh for sharing with us her delicious Kuih, and Mr. Tan for sponsoring the Mineral Water on that day.
The turnout for this event was unlike that of the past gatherings we had. Only a small handful number of dedicated residents participated to share their opinion.
The atmosphere was good with many residents being happy and relief that they feel safer living in this residential community. It was expressed that being so could also potentially bring up the value of living in this township.
Main discussions on that day.
A) Side Gate Entry via Road SS21/42 - "Should it be permanently closed or not?"
The Online Polls conducted earlier through this website suggests that a strong number of residents, 60.6%, voted for closing of this entry in order to economize on the security expenses (see votes from polls. Option A is in favor of closing). 28.2% were in objection, and while the remainder stayed neutral.From the voices of the participants at the gathering, it was all for in strong support of the closure.
Even though the support was overwhelming, the committee decide to leave this matter at Status Quo due to the following reasons;
It was unfortunately that no such objection comments were brought up during the gathering so the committee decided to postpone the decision on this matter until this key criteria is fulfilled - perhaps and maybe in the next coming gatherings.
B) Security Guards
i) Complains on noisy guard motorbike - 3 complains received
The particular motorbike and guard that uses it is identified. The problem was technically due to a punctured exhaust and this motorbike belongs personally to the guard himself. Also, all the patrol motorbikes are personal vehicles owned by the security guards themselves
Action has been taken. Wahad Security was told on this, and with immediate effect the respective guard has been scheduled to patrol on day shift only.
ii) Guards found sleeping on duty in the morning - 2 complains received
The committee will convey this to Wahad Security immediately.
However, it was requested to all residents to pay attention in noting down the details as accurately as possible and also to include in the date and time of the event as well. Only with this, the committee can determine effectively the actual guard/s responsible so that proper action can be taken correctly.
iii) Trespassers on river bank behind SS21/42A - regular complains from residents along road SS21/42A
Actions has already been taken sometime back.
The guards were being deployed to take action on this every time trespassers were spotted. This deterrence has reduced the frequency of incidents recently, and it is hoped that with the continued actions taken by the residents and guards, these incidents can be further reduced.
C) Finances
The financial budget for this entire program was open to all for discussion. It was clear that all these while, the program was running on a very tight budget.
The main issue here lies with (i) a lacking in number of houses in our area to spread even and bring down the security guard expenses per subscriber, and (ii) an absence of Sinking Fund to start with.
It was due to the generosity of some paying residents that helped by contributing more than the required subscription amount, and also due extra effort by all, to rope in more number of participating residents, the program can manage to merely pull through.
Nevertheless, in order to further sustain at this rate it is proposed by all present to Raise Money for a proper sinking fund, and also to solicit the participation of more volunteers to help in leading/taking-part in the communal activities.
- Recycling.
Old Newspapers, Aluminum Cans, Glass bottles, and some unwanted wares donated by the residents can be used to provide an additional source of fund. It was suggested this to be held once a month on every 3rd Saturday.
More details of this will be published soon on this website.
- Sponsorship by corporate/businesses on our website.
The website is open for sponsorship by businesses who wish to channel their advertisements targeted effectively to the residents of this township (click here). Feel free to recommend and to help us out on this.
- "Click and View" on the sponsored Google Ads on our website and that will help generate some passive income.
D) Gotong Royong
Several interest areas was proposed for this activity. Details of it will be posted in this community website soon.