20th April 2014
DUROA held its 2014 session of Gotong Royong exercise on Sunday 20th Apr 2014.
The session started in the morning, where residents gathered at Zone A to organize themselves. Light breakfast and refreshments were served. Also attending was our Councillor Teh and Representative from ADUN YB Yeoh's office.
The exercise was aimed at tidying Damansara Utama's compound, starting with the "Padangs" (playgrounds) and then to other areas where needed. The aim was to eradicate breeding spots for mosquitoes.
After breakfast and briefing, the volunteers were relocated back to their respective zones i.e. B1, B2 and C to carry out the cleaning and also supervise the workers from MBPJ to carryout some of the heavier work. Yes, MBPJ provided some additional manpower to help us.
The session ended before noon with the volunteers regrouping back at Zone A for Lunch.